The Evolving Story

In 2020, Australians Experiencing Food Insecurity Has Risen To Over 31%

In 2020, 31% of Australians experienced food Insecurity, compared to 15% in 2019. The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic presented a variety of challenges for everyone, especially those who were already vulnerable and struggling.

Foodbank has reported that since the pandemic, almost a third of Australians are experiencing food insecurity for the first time. Additionally, since 2020, international students and casual workers have faced unprecedented difficulty in accessing food.

Despite this significant surge in need, only three in five Australians have received food assistance. For many, embarrassment, shame and the belief that others need the support more, are some of the barriers restraining people from asking for help.

The reality is, COVID-19 has presented unprecedented challenges for all Australians, and hence charities have been pushed to the boundaries in order to meet the demand.

During the pandemic, FoodFilled has been consistently providing other charitable organisations with extra assistance, whilst also continuing to run food drives, create additional partnerships and investing in efforts to expand its reach and impact.

We are committed to providing the necessary support to our community in a time when it’s needed the most.

*Statistics retrieved from 'FoodBank Hunger Report 2020'

Volunteers sorting donated goods


Food Insecure Australians Are Going A Whole Day Without Eating At Least Once A Week
IN 10
People Experiencing Food Insecurity Weren't Before The Pandemic Started
The Demand For Food Relief Has Doubled In 2020.